オスリック 髪が隠れちゃうとオバさん化
#Supernatural #ChiCon Best photo op ever taken. Richard made me touch Matt inappropriately and I couldn't disobey. #oops #iddoitagain #thatsnothowthesonggoes #oopsx2
This picture. #ChiCon
ええっと 目の錯覚? サイズ感が…
I guess you can say that I was amoosed. #MyFaceLooksSoStupid :(
I don't even know how to caption this.
We accept the love we think we deserve.... Wait. Wrong fandom?
追加 オリヴィアさんとはお友達なので
@jarpad and @Mark_Sheppard are freaking adorable humans. Jared is a giant five year old. #chicon2014 pic.twitter.com/bGjxDeBTcn
— Olivia Williams (@oliviacw2021) 2014, 10月 27
He's even better looking in real life... loved every minute of it. ;) BY THE WAY, Jensen gives the best hugs ever 😍 #Chicon
Day 88. I've cried so many times today. Not because of sad or anger, but because of happiness. Dreams do come true!!!! Thank you, Misha Collins ❤️ #100happydays #chicon #mishacollins
Day 89. Well.... this happened today. #100happydays #chicon
Day 90. My life is complete. Nothing will ever compare to the weekend that I have had. Also, I just realized Misha's hands were in my hair omg 🙈 #100happydays #chicon
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