Through some random happenstance my Aunt and Uncle met Jared at an F1 race last week, and they invited them over for a get together. I was the only one in the family who even knew who Jared/Supernatural is and when I said that they said they would take me. So I spent all tonight drinking wine with Jared and Genevieve. It was awesome.
Me with Genevieve Padalecki (Ruby)
Me with Jared Sam Fucking Winchester Padalecki (Another)
At one point people were getting a little loud so Jared felt the need to get on a table to quiet everyone down (Another) (Anothernother)
Jared was super nice, as were all the people at the party which was mostly his family and a few friends. He really wanted everyone to have a good time. If there was literally a second I didn't have a drink in my hand he was like "What gives man! We gotta hook you up!"
Anyway literally nobody I know has any idea what Supernatural is and I just HAD to brag about this to somebody. Hope you don't mind :D
そして 高い天井w
お庭には 仔牛サイズの牛の置物…って
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